Liquidity List
Liquidity List

- An application that needs to integrate with DODO's liquidity pool listing.
curl -i -X POST \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-d \
"operationName": "FetchLiquidityList",
"variables": {
"first": 1000,
"where": {
"refreshNow": true,
"filterState": {
"address": "",
"viewOnlyOwn": false,
"filterTypes": [
"chainIds": [
"currentPage": 1,
"pageSize": 8
"query": "query FetchLiquidityList($where: Liquiditylist_filter) {\n liquidity_list(where: $where) {\n currentPage\n pageSize\n totalCount\n lqList {\n id\n isPrivatePool\n isMyLiquidity\n pair {\n id\n chainId\n type\n baseReserve\n quoteReserve\n lastTradePrice\n lpFeeRate\n i\n creator\n baseLpToken {\n id\n decimals\n __typename\n }\n quoteLpToken {\n id\n decimals\n __typename\n }\n baseToken {\n id\n symbol\n name\n decimals\n usdPrice\n logoImg\n __typename\n }\n quoteToken {\n id\n symbol\n name\n decimals\n usdPrice\n logoImg\n __typename\n }\n tvl\n apy {\n miningBaseApy\n miningQuoteApy\n transactionBaseApy\n transactionQuoteApy\n __typename\n }\n miningAddress\n __typename\n }\n __typename\n }\n __typename\n }\n}"
}' \
Request Parameters#
Use GraphQL for data querying.
Parameter name | Type of parameter | Description |
refreshNow | Boolean | true: Need to refresh immediately |
filterState | Object | Filter conditions |
filterState.address | Address | Match Pool Address |
filterState.viewOnlyOwn | Boolean | true: Only show the ones I have participated in. |
filterState.filterTypes | Array | DVM (DODO Vending Machine) DPP (DODO Private Pool) DSP (DODO Anchor Pool, Stable Pool) CLASSICAL (DODO V1 Classic Pool) |
chainIds | Array | Chain IDs: 1, 56, 137, 42161 |
currentPage | Number | Current page number |
pageSize | Number | Number of items per page |
Return Values#
Field Name | Type | Field Description |
currentPage | Number | Current page number |
pageSize | Number | Number of items per page |
totalCount | Number | Total Count |
lqList | Array | Liquidity List | | String | Pool address |
lqList.isPrivatePool | Boolean | Is it a private pool |
lqList.isMyLiquidity | Boolean | Is it the pool I participated in |
lqList.pair | Object | Pair information | | String | Pool address |
lqList.pair.chainId | Number | Chain Id |
lqList.pair.type | String | Pool type |
lqList.pair.baseReserve | String | Base token Reserve |
lqList.pair.quoteReserve | String | Quote token Reserve |
lqList.pair.lpFeeRate | String | Liquidity fee Rate |
lqList.pair.creator | String | Liquidity creator |
lqList.pair.baseLpToken | Object | Base Lp token information |
lqList.pair.quoteLpToken | Object | Quote Lp token information |
lqList.pair.baseToken | Object | Base token information |
lqList.pair.quoteToken | Object | Quote token information |
lqList.pair.tvl | BigNumber | Total Value Locked |
lqList.pair.apy | Object | Apy information |
lqList.pair.apy.miningBaseApy | BigNumber | Mining Base Token Apy |
lqList.pair.apy.miningQuoteApy | BigNumber | Mining Quote Token Apy |
lqList.pair.apy.transactionBaseApy | BigNumber | Transaction Base Token Apy |
lqList.pair.apy.transactionQuoteApy | BigNumber | Transaction Quote Token Apy |
lqList.pair.miningAddress | Array | List of related mining addresses |
"data": {
"liquidity_list": {
"currentPage": 1,
"pageSize": 8,
"totalCount": 11145,
"lqList": [
"id": "0xbe60d4c4250438344bec816ec2dec99925deb4c7",
"isPrivatePool": null,
"isMyLiquidity": null,
"pair": {
"id": "0xbe60d4c4250438344bec816ec2dec99925deb4c7",
"chainId": 56,
"type": "CLASSICAL",
"baseReserve": "3998534.319080474996578659",
"quoteReserve": "1284476.309249048151995739",
"lastTradePrice": "0.9997082006745880752238325651342203",
"lpFeeRate": "0",
"i": "0",
"creator": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"baseLpToken": {
"id": "0xbeb34a9d23e0fe41d7b08ae3a4cbad9a63ce0aea",
"decimals": "18",
"__typename": "LiquidityLpToken"
"quoteLpToken": {
"id": "0x56ce908eebafea026ab047cee99a3aff039b4a33",
"decimals": "18",
"__typename": "LiquidityLpToken"
"baseToken": {
"id": "0xe9e7cea3dedca5984780bafc599bd69add087d56",
"symbol": "BUSD",
"name": "BUSD Token",
"decimals": "18",
"usdPrice": "0.9998546564791431682555969857409425",
"logoImg": "/l-RknfxPweyB8eXIbvoN0tw3-9srFNrL_DwSNtKHuQE/aHR0cHM6Ly9jZG4tbWVkaWEuZG9kb2V4LmlvL2VyYzIwL2h0dHBzX2Nkbl9tZWRpYV9kb2RvZXhfaW9fYnVzZF82MzllYjg3YWExX2J1c2RfNjM5ZWI4N2FhMV9lOWU1YWE0NzlmLnN2Zw.svg",
"__typename": "LiquidityToken"
"quoteToken": {
"id": "0x55d398326f99059ff775485246999027b3197955",
"symbol": "USDT",
"name": "Tether USD",
"decimals": "18",
"usdPrice": "1.000146498552733954623011539790912",
"logoImg": "/N7PStWWfFhcSW35BQ6LBHh_dyTNPBjkTKMtpNYypHRY/aHR0cHM6Ly9jZG4tbWVkaWEuZG9kb2V4LmlvL2VyYzIwL2h0dHBzX2Nkbl9tZWRpYV9kb2RvZXhfaW9fdXNkdF8xNTY0MWZjZDQwX3VzZHRfMTU2NDFmY2Q0MF9jZjI1ZTc5YTNjLnN2Zw.svg",
"__typename": "LiquidityToken"
"tvl": "5280048.661191908732280027203142",
"apy": {
"miningBaseApy": "0.122834",
"miningQuoteApy": "0.102284",
"transactionBaseApy": "0",
"transactionQuoteApy": "0",
"__typename": "LiquidityApyData"
"miningAddress": ["0x01f9BfAC04E6184e90bD7eaFD51999CE430Cc750"],
"__typename": "LiquidityPair"
"__typename": "LiquidityLqList"
"__typename": "LiquidityListInfo"